Thursday, January 26, 2012

Blessings Blog - Day 2

Good Afternoon, 

With all the storms rolling through last night, I must admit I got a bit of late start on my blog entry.  So here we are "in the afternoon". :)  I find that I am really enjoying the contemplative task of thinking each day about Blessings in my life.  From a creative standpoint, I think it's hard to choose which one first - because of course I want to use all my favorite papers and photos at once.  

This is when I have to put my creativity aside and really think about the word "Blessings. Blessings being a word that I only associated with meal times, so I got out a dictionary to look up all it's meanings. Here's what I found in my friend Webster. 
 Blessings [bles-ing] noun: Middle English before 900
1. the act or word of someone who blesses. 
2. a special favor, mercy, or benefit
3. favor or gift bestowed by GOD
4. the invoking of GOD's favor upon a person.
5. praise, devotion, worship; or grace before meal.

After reading this a couple of years ago, as a way to remind myself of how fortunate I was and how I wished the same for others, I started adding Blessings with a comma to the end of all my emails and letters.  It was my way of sending a prayer out into the universe to each person I encountered.  Since then, I must say my blessings have increased in love and true friendship. 

Today after looking at my photo files, I chose this picture of my family sharing a happy moment during what must have been a summer visit and titled the page Generations - Before & After Us.  I love the smiles of these ladies and though some of them are gone from our loving arms, they will never be gone from our hearts and minds.  Love you Aunt Evelyn and Great-Grandma Pratsman, we miss you!

Blessings Blog - Generations - Before & After Us.  (part of the Easter Spring Paper collection at

         Until Tomorrow Blessings, 

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