Saturday, January 28, 2012

Hunky Handy Husband - Blessings Blog - Day 4

Good Morning All, 

There are moments in a woman's life that can naturally be seen as a Blessing: the birth of her children, the life events of those children such as weddings, baptisms, and of course Grandchildren.  But then there are those blessings that sometimes go unnoticed.  

This mornings blessing is sincere yet humorous as I'm sure you will see and I know that a lot of ladies out there will thoroughly understand my plight. Because today, I am finding gratefulness for the Hunky Handyman that I call Husband and Best Friend.  You see, for almost a year now I have been without a Master Bathroom - time and decisions (what color flooring, what style of flooring) have stalled the process until last night at 8:30pm, when my Hunky Handy Husband decided to just get to it.  

Well this morning I have a Beautiful new bathroom floor and I have no one to thank for it except my Hunky Handy Husband and his darling assistant (our daughter, Kiki). So today, I dedicated my blessing to him and made a page that represents the one of the many Blessings I find in him - one by the way I fail to mention as much as I should.  

This mornings tribute entitled - Hunky Handy Husband.  :) Smiles Ladies, but he's mine!!!

Until Tomorrow Blessings, 

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