Sunday, January 29, 2012

Digital Scrapbook Color Choices- Blessings Blog Day 5

Good Afternoon, 

Today's Blessing is owed to my love of color and my thanks to  In Digital Scrapbook art as in all art, it is so important to make pieces that are colorfully pleasing to the eye.  If a color is too bright it can shock the beholder's eyes and take away from the photo.  If the color's don't harmonize say a light pink with a neon mustard, it can give the page personality but again, it might not make the photo stand out but rather fade away. 
Late last year I found a program that I try to share with each of my friends and family.  You can find it at (no www. or http://) needed.  This is a free website that can offer you colors that will fit a theme when typed in the search bar or you can create your own palette by setting the base color as shown below.  

The website uses color levels to allow you and I to manipulate a palette to the choice we want - I have even used this to choose a wall color in my home.  I truly love this program. When using it I simply change the number or bar for the intensity I want and then set my base color.  I prefer the RGB settings with numbers but you can use what makes you feel most comfortable.  RGB stands for Red, Green, Blue  values- this is a color intensity  level changer.  I recommend highly playing with this feature, it's amazing how many variations of color can be made.  

There are different rules that bring a different selection of 5 colors to go with your "chosen" color. Below are the list of rules and their reactions:

  1. Analogous - match color with adjacent hues.
  2. Monochromatic - Focus on one color in a varied intensity or level in one hue. 
  3. Triad - Contrasting colors.
  4. Complementary - Two colors on two hues.
  5. Compound - Multiple Color hues for interest.
  6. Shades - subtle varieties in color hue.
  7. Custom - letting you make the color choice. 
Below you will find the step by step pic using my faded mint green base color on how to change the levels with a click. 

Step 1 - Choosing Base
Step 2 - Changing the Rule

Step 3 - Playing with color
Watch as my palette changes as I 
click the different rules below. 

Step 4 - Choose your own
This next slide I have chosen palette for an upcoming
 baby shower theme with my mint green. 
Play with the colors until you find your Theme!

I hope you have enjoyed Day 5's Blessing Blog on and I sincerely hope you try it out soon with one of your many craft projects.  Look for my baby shower papers at next week!  

Coming up tomorrow, I will show you how to add your color palette to any art program you choose using and Serif Craft Artist Platinum. 

Until Tomorrow Blessings,

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