Monday, January 30, 2012

Palettes of Color - Blessings Blog - Day 6

Good Morning, 

What a beautiful morning!  Today's blessing blog is in connection to yesterday's so if you haven't read yesterdays - hurry and read it below. :)

Okay, so yesterday I wrote about my blessings in my art, today I will be writing about how to add the colors you have chosen to your palette in an art program.

I am using an art program called Serif Craft Artist Platinum that can be bought at your local Target for around $30.00 - completely worth the $$.  I also use's program called ArtRage, this program gives a free trial version if you wish to try before you buy.  Excellent learning tools and a great forum to make great friends in a sharing community.  

Why is adding color/s a blessing?  As an artist, (I truly stretch the meaning of the word here) I love the convenience.  By adding the color/s to my palette, it allows me not only to simply click the color I wish but also to save the palette for another project.  This is a huge time saver.  

Here below are the steps to adding your color choice/s to your palette in Serif CA Platinum.  You can click on each image to enlarge. 

In the first pic, you will see that my arrow is pointing to the RGB line of numbers.  Each color choice has 3 codes; 1 red, 1 green, and 1 blue.  

In step 2, record each code on a separate piece of paper or typed as I did here (I keep all of my colors in a index file and on a disc.) 

In steps 3, I have opened my art programs S-CAP for short and clicked on more.  In step 4, I move over to the RGB entries, and enter my numbers.  Once I have entered my numbers I move to step 5 - add range, this will put my colors in the palette and save them for the project.  Go to step 6 to see the RGB code entered with the palette showing. 

In step 6 - simply click ok and your color palette  will be added.  (If you wish to choose all of the colors of green as shown here simply click add all) I have chosen add range and this adds 5 shades of my faded mint green in a monochromatic range. 

Step 7 - Create using your palette - Here is an example of my faded mint green using S-CAP''s glitter function.  Whatever you choose to do with your palette - ENJOY!

Until Tomorrow Blessings, 

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