Monday, February 13, 2012

10 Reasons to Love FaceBook

Blessings are sometimes hard to see - we can miss the obvious ones when they're staring us in the face and sometimes we find a blessing in something that seems unlikely.  

Today's blessing - FaceBook- perhaps for many will seem to fall into the "unlikely" category, but for me it is one of the many I missed and it was definitely something obvious.

Facebook is my go to - I can't be everywhere I want to be; with my friends; with my loved ones; at all the parties; at the bedside of a sick friend or family member; but I can be on Facebook - letting each and everyone of those mentioned know that I care and that I want to be with them even in the smallest of ways.  

To me this makes Facebook one of the best blessings from GOD I know in 2012 - Mark Zuckerberg may have created it(with help) and perhaps the last thing he intended was that Facebook would be used in such a way but there it is nonetheless.  Facebook serves those that serve GOD - We love eachother through Facebook, we embrace eachother in times of need through Facebook, and we pray for one another through Facebook.  

So today I decided to dedicate my creative energy to making a Scrapbook page about Facebook and Mark Z.  Thanks again Mark - Your Creative Genius has been an instrument for GOD's Goodness!


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