Sunday, February 5, 2012

Blessings Blog - Day 12

Most Wonderful Sunday Everyone!

Time!   Today's blessing is time.  Time is so little to enjoy or reflect on the moments we ought to be enjoying.  Time with loved ones both near and far, time with friends we miss from years gone by, and time for oneself is possibly for us mother's the most fleeting.  

This weekend while my daughter and husband were having a weekend adventure, I got that time to reflect and be joyful.  I chose to spend the time scrapping and ended up reflecting on pics of my beautiful daughter and her first birthday party.  

It's not unusual that another day of scrapping has given a reflection on blessing as I held each pic in my hand - looking at the faces of loved ones that we hadn't seen in years.  A dearly loved ex-colleague, my husband's childhood pals, and a grandmother who is now in Heaven with her Lord.  Those pics made me yearn for the clock to rewind both for me and for my daughter who won't fully know all the blessed gifts each of these dear friends gave to our lives or how deeply they adored her from her arrival in this lovely world.  

So today I am so thankful for time; time to reflect, times to enjoy, and of course time to scrapbook!  I hope you take a moment to enjoy those you love dearly both near and far.  

Until Tomorrow Blessings, 

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