Friday, February 3, 2012

Blessings Blog - Education Me

Today's blessing is a 2 for one - making up for missing yesterday! :)  The first one is the blessing that can distract me like no other, the one that either makes me laugh, makes me cry, or makes me proud every single day....well maybe not cry but certainly worry!  That blessing is my darling little girl, Kennedy - the blessings a child can bring are so many and yet today just seemed to be about her somehow.  

As a first-time mother, a mother of an only child, and a late-blooming mother there are always multiple reasons for both worry and joy.  You worry should I have had more children (if I could have) or perhaps I was too old to have children and this has made for complications in her life, each are reasonable worries (if there is such a thing) but what can I do? 

I am definitely too old now to have a child so I take my worry and choose joy! Joy can come from seeing her work on her homework, cleaning her room, or even just looking at photographs that I am so BLessed to have in my porfolio. So number 1 blessing is a pic of my beautiful daughter that blesses me each day with a new reason to feel blessed.  

Now my second blessing doesn't come with a pic simply the words I live by "You are never to old to Learn something new!"

I love these words, they both comfort and excite me.  When I think how much work and opportunities there are for each human to learn something new each day - it literally boggles my mind (in a good way).  Whether it's new medical information of how to better take care of ourselves or learning to build a 50+ page website on your own, the avenues are unending.  I am so blessed to both understand this and to act on it.  I love learning!  I will never be done!  

So there you have it two blessings all wrapped up in one!  

Until Tomorrow Blessings, 

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