Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Blessings Blog Day 8 - 2012 Relationships

Good Afternoon!:)

Relationships are changing. 
 Business's, friends, families, and the world over are full of new relationships.  Each day, myself alone I make connections with over 25 new acquaintances a day through my interest.  Our world seems to want to connect more, to serve one another more fully through relationships.  

I, like many, tire of direct marketing schemes that sell this or that, we want relationships with the items we choose and the right to show our loyalty on our own terms.  Terms like Facebook me, Like, tweet me, pin me, and blogs aplenty are words that almost everyone knows and uses in everyday language of relationships.  We are finding new ways to grow in our social sets through these many technological advances and I must say I am one of the many.  

In our busy, busy world, we all still want to connect with our friends and family but letters and dare I say it "even email" seems such a time-consuming effort when really you can say it all in 45 words or less in a update to one of the latest web tools.  

With my Facebook, I can be updated on the latest birth announcement from a dear friend far away the day the doctor announces - where in years past, I might have heard it through a grapevine the day after the baby was born.  All thanks to the convenience of status updates from our cell phones.  

The same goes for Twitter and Blogger, these sharing tools allows me to share deals of the day, coupons, contest, or even a recipe simply with the click of a button, depending who or where I want the information posted. 

With my new love - - I find many ways to learn, share, and market the different items that I make, love or find interesting.  And the beauty is its a Community of Free Help - Each time I pin another friends blog or friends interest or product that they sell or promote - I'm helping them.  When the world tells me there is no beauty anymore and we are all a greedy lot - I tell them - NO - all of these sites tells me that while sometimes it may start out as greed based - it soon becomes a service to each person who reshares.  

How beautiful is that!  I love it so today's Blessing is to My Web of Relationships!  Try one of these share tools today to reach those you love and those you might help too!  And don't forget to like or share this blog with your friends and family too! :)

Until Tomorrow Blessings, 

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